Here are 10 common mistakes Photography beginners make and how to avoid them:
#1 Ignoring Composition:
New photographers often focus solely on their subject without considering the overall composition.
Solution: Learn about the rule of thirds, leading lines, and other compositional techniques. Pay attention to framing and balance.

#2 Using Full Auto Mode Exclusively:
While Auto mode is convenient, it limits your creative control.
Solution: Experiment with other camera modes (Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual) to understand how they affect exposure and depth of field.
#3 Not Paying Attention to Lighting:
Lighting is crucial for photography. Beginners may shoot in harsh midday sun or ignore golden hour.
Solution: Understand different lighting conditions. Shoot during golden hour for soft, warm light. Avoid harsh shadows.
#4 Over processing Images:
Beginners often apply excessive filters or edits, resulting in unnatural-looking photos.
Solution: Practice subtle editing. Less is often more. Preserve the natural feel of your images.
#5 Ignoring the Background:
Focusing only on the subject can lead to distracting backgrounds.
Solution: Pay attention to what’s behind your subject. Adjust your position or use a wider aperture (lower f-number) to blur the background.
#6 Not Using a Tripod:
Handheld shots can be shaky, especially in low light.
Solution: Invest in a tripod for stability, especially for landscapes or long-exposure shots.
#7 Not Getting Close Enough:
Beginners sometimes keep too much distance from their subjects.
Solution: Fill the frame with your subject. Get closer for more impactful shots.
#8 Ignoring White Balance:
Incorrect white balance can result in colour casts (e.g., overly warm or cool tones).
Solution: Set the correct white balance in-camera or adjust it during post-processing.
#9 Not Checking Camera Settings:
Accidentally leaving settings from a previous shoot can lead to inconsistent results.
Solution: Before shooting, review your camera settings (ISO, aperture, shutter speed).

#10 Relying on the Kit Lens Only:
Kit lenses are versatile but may have limitations.
Solution: Explore other lenses (prime, telephoto, macro) to expand your creative options.
Although there are only 10 common mistakes photography beginners make listed above, there are countless mistakes every photographer makes, that's how we all learn.
Remember, photography is about continuously learning and improving. Embrace mistakes as part of the process, and keep practicing! If you don't like the picture, take another shot!
Photos: Pixabay & Sarah-Louise Artography